
Successful solopreneurs use professional copywriters

Are you feeling like a chicken with its head cut off? You started your business so you’d have more time for doing the outdoor activities you like to do. But now you’re spending more time on your business than you want to.

So many things need to be done. As a solopreneur, you have to do it all. But you struggle finding the time to do everything that needs to be done.

You want your business to be successful and you want to make money, but … you also want some weekends to get away and enjoy the great outdoors.

On top of all that, so many businesses are bombarding you with different services promising to grow your business. You don’t know what you need and what you don’t. You don’t want to waste your time or money.

And you don’t know what to do.

I know. I’ve been there. Years ago I started an online drop shipping business selling cookware. I didn’t have a plan and I failed miserably. I wound up over $20,000 in debt from purchasing business services I didn’t really need.

I don’t want this to happen to you. I promise that I will never pressure you to spend more money than you can or want to. And if you don’t have a plan, I’ll help you with one.

Also I want to help you by taking on some of your tasks, so you can have more time to do other things that need to get done … and maybe go on that camping trip.

Trail marker titled "Deadman's Hill Junction," with destinations and distances if you go straight, to the left, or to the right.
Which way should you go? Straight, to the right, or to the left? Hopefully, you have a plan. If not, you need one.

Do you really need a professional copywriter?

If you want more customers, more sales, more leads, and to rank higher in search engines, then the answer is yes, you need a professional copywriter.

You may have hired a web designer to create your website. But most web designers are only trained in designing and creating a website. They have not been trained in copywriting, so the content of your website is not attracting potential customers.

You may have written some materials to promote your business, whether it’s brochures, blog posts, or articles. Or you may have asked a friend or family member to do that. If they have not been trained in copywriting techniques, then that material is not getting you the customers and sales that you could be getting.

You may have used AI to help you write content for your website. AI does an awesome job in writing. But it will sound similar to your competitors’ websites if they used AI as well. How will you stand out from them? You need unique content only a copywriter can provide. AI cannot tell personal stories or truly relate to people on an emotional level.

With so many options, which way will you go? Who will you choose to write your content? Choose the one who has been professionally trained and has the skills to get the job done right.

If you want to effectively market your business and get your business to where you want it to be, then you definitely need to invest in a professional copywriter.

How can a professional copywriter help you?

Copywriters are trained with the knowledge and skills to write content that gets you business. They use keywords so you rank higher in search engine results, so people can find you more easily. They write effective headlines and engaging content to keep people reading your materials and being your customers.

They write in a way that resonates with your audience. And they write persuasively so people will be excited to buy your products and services.

Here at Copywriting Solutions You Need, I can help you with writing:

Single light bulb glowing yellow in a dark room.

A trail marker with a map the number one above the map and the number two below the map with an arrow pointing right, and the number 14 with an arrow pointing left.
Trail marker on the Jordan Valley Pathway in Michigan. Which way will you go?

A copywriter for solopreneurs

As a solopreneur myself, I want to help other solopreneurs with their copywriting needs so they can succeed as well. Since I don’t have a lot of overhead expenses, my fees are lower and more reasonable. I can work with you to find copywriting solutions within your budget to help market your business.

If you have a solid business with quality products and services that people want, you can generate far more income by using a professional copywriter. The income you get from using a professional copywriter will be far more than what you paid for copywriting services. A professional copywriter is a key aspect in growing your business as a solopreneur.

So which path will you take? Who will you choose? Discuss with me how I can help your business grow. Contact me today!