Keep your customers in the loop with blog posts, articles, and newsletters
Do you find it hard to keep up with publishing your blog posts, articles, and newsletters on a regular basis? It’s a huge time commitment when you have so many other things to focus on.
Or maybe you don’t have a blog, an article archive, or send out newsletters yet, but you would like to. Maybe you don’t know how to get started. Or maybe you don’t have the time to devote to it. Or there may be another reason.
But publishing blogs, articles and newsletters is a vital part of growing your business. You need to stay in contact with current customers, so they will return to buy your products and services. And it’s also a way to reach out to prospective customers and turn them into paying customers.
Why you should have a blog or article archive
- It helps your business connect to prospective customers.
- It helps you to develop a relationship with current customers.
- It helps with your search engine optimization (SEO) and ranking.
- It shows you are an authority in your market.
- It creates brand awareness.
Difference between blog posts and articles
A long time ago when blogs first came out, they were more informal, written in the first person, were more based on one’s personal experience and knowledge, and published on a website. Articles were more formal, written in the second or third person, based more on interviews and research, and published in newspapers and magazines.
More recently, the distinction between blogs and articles have been blurred. But people still perceive blogs as more informal and personal, whereas they perceive articles as more formal and objective.
Which should you choose?
Whether you choose to have a blog or an article archive depends on your business model, brand, business culture, and your customers. Some businesses do both to reach out to different audiences. You need to decide which is right for your business.
But whatever you choose, you need to have the resources to commit to publishing at least once a month at the minimum, but preferably more often like twice a month, once a week, or even twice a week.
If you need help writing blog posts or articles, please contact me to discuss how I can help you.
Newsletters keep your customers engaged
Newsletters are different from blog posts and articles as they are not usually published on the website, but sent out via email or post mail to the company’s loyal customers, prospective customers, and other interested parties. Also, they are not usually published as frequently as blogs or articles, usually just once a month, once every two months, or once a quarter.
Newsletters are more personal and connect with your current and prospective customers on a deeper level. Newsletters inform your customers about how your business is doing. They can talk about how your business is leading the change in your industry, awards you have received, or milestones you have achieved.
Newsletters can also:
- Inform readers about new products and services being launched,
- Provide readers with solutions to problems that your company’s products and services can solve,
- Provide readers with tips and tricks to using your products,
- Give customer reviews and testimonials,
- And much more.
Whereas blog posts and articles are focused on one topic, newsletters can contain several short articles on different topics. The keyword here is short. If the article is long, it is best to give a summary of the article in the newsletter with a link. Then the readers can click the link to read the whole article.
Basically, a newsletter is promoting your business, your brand, your culture. It’s making customers more aware of who you are as a business and your brand. It should provide more value and create more trust between you and your customers. People like doing business with businesses they trust and know more about.
Please contact me to learn more about how I can write newsletters to help your business grow.
Operation Elephant Thunder: A Special Offer
Operation Elephant Thunder is a special bundled offer to get your website noticed like a herd of thundering elephants. When you request a Website Content Audit and improvement on one webpage, I’ll give you a special deal on blogs and newsletters. Go here to find out more.